Lifespan Of Pomeranian Shih Tzu. Shih tzu, in comparison, live from 11 to 16 years. Pomeranian vs shih tzu mouthiness comparison:
The oldest documented shih tzu was 23 years old. Pomeranian shih tzu grooming and care. If the dog is healthy and happy, then all is well and good.
The Average Purebred Lives Around 11 Years.
Many shih tzu do live until their early teens and some live until their mid teens. Life expectancy of a pomeranian shih tzu the pomeranian shih tzu mix does have a life expectancy of around 12 to 16 years. The shih tzu lifespan might be as much as 16, 18, or 20 years, but we also need to remember that long life doesn’t always bring quality of life.
The Average Is 13 Years.
The shih pom puppies are a crossbreed of a shih tzu and a pomeranian. The oldest documented shih tzu was 23 years old. Like other dog breeds, shih tzu dogs can have various illnesses.
As You Know, They Have Genetics From Two Different Dog Breeds, So You Can’t Exactly Pinpoint A Life Expectancy For This Hybrid Breed.
The average shih tzu lifespan is a little over 13 years. Their mix has been growing in popularity due to its cute looks, friendly personality, and overall healthiness. Vca hospitals puts the average lifespan at 11 to 14 years.
They Are Small, Cuddly, And Perfect.
This is an approximation and there are always exceptions. Their big brown eyes, triangular ears, short muzzles, and flowing manes make them resemble tiny lions. Shih tzu's are generally healthy and can live for a long time.
However, Pomeranians Are Tiny, So It’s Advisable To Choose Another Toy Breed Such As A:
On the other hand, dogs that weigh more than 90 pounds have an average lifespan of 8 years. Both are prone to certain genetic health concerns. The shih tzu is a chinese dog that was originally bred as a toy for royalty.